Welcome to the Donnelly College 图书馆!

Reading is a conversation. All books talk. But a good book listens as well.

– Mark Haddon (author)

Below are quick links to useful library pages that will assist you in your research

  • Search 图书馆 目录
    • This gives you access to the Donnelly College 图书馆 and Kansas City Kansas Public 图书馆 (KCKPL) catalog.
  • Search Online 数据库
    • 数据库 are a collection of journal articles, book chapters, 新闻, 报告, video, and other resources, you can use for class papers or research. The link will take you to a list of online databases that are available.
    • Need an e-library card? Visit the library or email library@gjg2.com to register for a library e-card.
      • Type in Subject line: Request 图书馆 e-card. Specify if you want a Donnelly 图书馆 e-card or State of Kansas 图书馆 e-card, or both!
  • Search Open Access (Free) 数据库 
    • Open access databases provide free access to academic scholarly articles, journals, and textbooks. This provides resources at no extra cost to students and increases scholarly communication among academics. These are reliable sources of information that can be used in your class papers or research.
  • Search 图书馆 Guides 
    • This is a list of resource guides such as: Writing style guides (MLA, APA, etc.), Common Read, Information Literacy and other types of guides.
  • 图书馆 Conference Room Reservation
    • Reserve the library conference room for studying or to meet with colleagues in private. 电子邮件 图书馆@gjg2.com and type in the Subject line: Reserve 图书馆 Conference Room. The room is open until reserved. 


Do you have questions or other library needs?  如:

·         Request a Donnelly 图书馆 or Kansas State 图书馆 E-图书馆 card.
·         How to find articles, books, or other resources for class papers.
·         How to request articles or books not available at Donnelly College 图书馆.
·         Reserve 图书馆 Conference Room.
·         Other library or class paper questions.
Send your questions to: 图书馆@Donnelly.edu